Join Us for Hash Code 2020

Hash Code 2020

We are hosting Hash Code 2020

After last year’s success, we wanted to do it again. Gather the teams, set up the place, take up the challenge, and write the best code! The Online Qualification Round will take place on 20 February 2020, and we will be a hub again.

What is Hash Code?

Hash Code is a programming competition for teams organized by Google. It’s aimed at students and professionals worldwide, allowing you to share your skills and connect with other coders. Participants can pick a team and a programming language, and Google determines an engineering problem to solve.

Teams come together to compete side-by-side in locally coordinated Hash Code hubs. Wich, we are one!
The top teams from this round will join an international Google office for the annual Hash Code Final Round – this year’s Google HQ from Ireland.

How does Google Hash Code Work?

Once you’ve registered here:, you’ll gain access to a Judge System. From there, you can form a team, join a hub, practice, and compete during the rounds.


During the Online Qualification Round, we will watch a YouTube live stream to be introduced to the problem. From there, the teams will have four hours to solve the optimization problem using the programming language and tools of choice.

Teams can compete from a local hub or another location of their choice. If you’re from Baia Mare, we suggest joining our Programming Pool Hub – Str. Transilvaniei 18A, Baia Mare 😉

The top teams from the Online Qualification Round will attend the Final Round at a Google Office in Ireland. They will compete for cash prizes and work together to solve another challenge.

If you think you have what it takes, register on, and if you are from Baia Mare, join our Hub.

The deadline for registrations is 17 February 2020, and the Online Qualification Round is on 20 February 2020

Also, join our Facebook Event for schedule and updates:

For more Hash Code related news and FAQs:

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