Start 2020 with 2 Essential Books

Start 2020 with 2 Essential Books

Start the year with books!

Kickstart the new year with a plan. Organize your team, schedule, and control your projects to achieve your goals. To help you with this, we want to showcase two books to make your 2020 a successful year.

1. Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control

Written by James P. Lewis, this is a new edition of the classic project management book. It is revised and updated with more guidelines and real-world examples.

This book can help you with an applications-oriented understanding of the issues you must confront and essential tips for passing the Project Management Professional exam.

You will understand how to deal effectively with team members, clients, senior managers, and other stakeholders.

James P. Lewis is the founder of The Lewis Institute, a training and consulting company focusing on project management. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Management and Technology. In the past two decades, James P. Lewis trained more than 30.000 supervisors and managers in the USA, Europe, and Asia. He wrote 12 influential books on project management.

2. Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme

Written by Robert K. Wysocki, this guide gives new and veteran project managers a comprehensive overview of the best management approaches and tools today.

This book helps you with step-by-step instructions and practical cases to achieve better project outcomes. It also provides full coverage on managing continuous process improvement, procurement management, distressed projects, and multiple team projects.

Robert K. Wysocki has over 40 years of experience as a project management consultant and trainer, information system manager, systems and management consultant, author, training developer, and provider. He founded the project management consulting and training practice Enterprise Information Insights. He wrote 15 books on project management and information systems management.

2020 – Start learning! Start planning!

Use these books to learn how to work more efficiently and achieve all your career goals. Let’s have an excellent 2020 by kickstarting it with these Programming Pool Book Club recommendations.

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