The Paperless Project: Evolve

“The Paperless” project

– learn, delearn, relearn –

“The Paperless” project proposed by Programming Pool aims to raise awareness amongst the company’s employees about the need to reduce the consumption of paper and, overall, protect the environment. “The Paperless” project proposed by Programming Pool will take place between  8th June 2018 – 8th September 2018, and it aims to raise awareness amongst the company’s employees about the need to reduce the consumption of paper and, overall, to protect the environment. We aim to promote the civic spirit and team training, volunteering, and solidarity at the company’s initiatives.


Less paper, more trees, breathe more fresh air – for a longer and a healthier life.


Out of the exaggerated desire for evolution, we sacrificed excessively, unscrupulously, many things around us, causing significant imbalances, some with disastrous effects even for the near future. Considering that a tree needs decades to grow, it is dramatic that people cut it in less than 5 minutes, ending up under the shape of paper print or our notebooks. One thing is sure: the forest does not grow in vain. It has a vital role in our lives. The tree is the primary source of oxygen; without oxygen, we cannot breathe, representing the end of life on earth.

The fact that the addiction to paper hurts any business it’s well known, primarily because it hinders internal processes and, secondly, because it simply cannot provide real-time information. In other words, operational efficiency is reduced, work productivity decreases, and the risk of errors increases (disappearance of documents).

Because of this, Programming Pool decided to take action by developing an alternative system called “Paperless.” We are encouraging the use of technology to improve the performance of our work and our company radically.

Each piece of paper and each print matters.

Switching to a paperless office is difficult, but every journey begins with a first step. We aim to reduce paper consumption through electronic document management and process automation. Even if the law requires some documents to be kept on paper, managing them electronically will help us reduce paper consumption significantly. Also, the remaining documents’ reports can be easily organized.

Until we reach the next level, we will analyze the classic archiving solutions, especially from customized services provided by companies specialized in this direction. We also want to collect particular waste, facilitating recycling. We will provide separate collection containers for various types of recyclable waste (paper/cardboard, plastic/metal, and glass). We will conclude contracts with collectors authorized to hand over recyclable waste: paper/cardboard, plastic, metal, glass, electrical and electronic equipment waste, batteries, and light bulbs.

And, to resume with an optimistic note, here are some tips for this project that aims to turn us into a “force of change.”

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