Codecamp – Baia Mare 2017

Baia Mare 2017


Founded in 2008, based on the idea of strengthening the relationships and communication between the communities of IT professionals, Codecamp is the first nationwide IT Conference in Romania and, most likely, the biggest one. In the 12 years since starting, Codecamp has created a fantastic community around them, bringing together companies, startups, and IT professionals.

The codecamp team periodically organizes conferences, workshops, hackathons, and open days where thousands of people, from IT to passionate to experts in the industry, national and international speakers, trainers, current innovative projects, and revolutionary ideas. With the support of the Technical University of North Baia Mare, Codecamp celebrated the first edition in Bare Mare, attended by over 200 participants. Eager to learn new things and develop from a professional point of view, they have engaged in exciting conversations and practical workshops with the speakers, organizers, or partners of the event on different themes: architecture, development, programming, management, etc.

Programming Pool at Codecamp

Programming Pool participated as a partner of the event, encouraging the guests to socialize and get to know each other by treating them with homemade sweets, challenging them to a brainstorming game but, at the same time, offering them valuable tips and interesting information about our company profile and collaboration opportunities.

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