What it’s like to be a Hash Code Hub

What it’s like to be a Hash Code Hub

As you may know, after we hosted Hash Code last year, we did it again in 2020.
We gathered the troops, bought new extension cords, and set up our space. This is the story of how we did it.

Pre Hash Code 2020

Sign up

We signed up here: https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/hashcode and waited for the confirmation. After we received it, we could see our hub on the map in all its glory. This year there were 706 hubs across 89 countries.

Set up the place for Hash Code

Just like last year, we designed our ground floor so that it will be accessible for everyone. We had tables and chairs for every member of every team on one side and the kitchen and networking (pizza) area on the other site.

We had to buy some new extension cords to be sure that everyone had a place to plug their laptops, so we’re all set up for the next year regarding power.

We also installed a projector for everyone to see the Livestream.

      • To keep in mind for next year. Don’t forget to make a visual for the projector when the teams are working with some chill music in the background.

When everything was set, we had to place the Goodies.

Hash Code 2020 Goodies

You can’t have a Hash Code without some goodies says an old folk tale. And we’re not the ones to oppose that. So we put together the best bag of goodies that ever goodied(?) (that’s a word, I swear)

Enter the Goodies:

      • one cool dark pen;
      • one cool dark notebook with a custom sticker;
      • one cool dark mug that you can write on with chalk;
      • three custom stickers created especially for Hash Code 2020;
      • custom badges for team members, with logos designed by us for every team;
      • one cool dark bag to contain all the awesomeness.

During the 2020 Hash Code

We welcomed the teams in the work area, where we had indicators for every team. We had groups of 2, 3, and 4 participants, and we wanted them to feel comfortable.

Our colleague, Flaviu, introduced us and our place, and explained what’s going to happen.
We rolled the live stream, and everyone got to work.

We took a little break when the pizza arrived.

Post-2020 Hash Code

When the keyboards stopped and the dust settled, the competition was over.

We want to thank everyone for participating in Hash Code 2020! We had a great time!

Congrats to everyone, and we hope to see you next year!

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