Internship Experience : A Chat with Cristina

Internship Experience at Programming Pool

– a conversation with Cristina – 

Cristina is a student at the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, UTCN Cluj Napoca. I asked her some questions before starting the practice, to get to know her better and discover her fears. And after, to find out her impressions and how she felt working with us.


Q. When did you discover the mysteries of programming?

A. In the 9th grade, when I had my first computer science classes in high school. I initially choose the mathematics-informatics profile for the math part and only afterward discovered that I also like computer science.

Q. Why have you applied for an internship at our company?

A. Because from what I saw/heard about it, it left me the impression of a place where I could learn many things from dedicated people, and it seemed an environment I would like to practice in the future.

Q. How important do you consider the internship in the professional training of a student?

A. Important enough. I believe we should take full advantage of it, having this opportunity.

Q. Which of your programming knowledge do you want to improve?

A. Apart from C#, I would like to master web security better. I also want to write cleaner code because there is always room for improvement.

Q. Do you have a list in your head of what you would like to learn during your internship? If so, can you share it with us?

A. I want to extend my knowledge of databases, web security, and event handling on the front-end.

Q. What are your biggest fears about this internship?

A. Initially, I thought there might be many new concepts hard to grasp or a significant volume of new information, considering that I haven’t worked in C# before. Otherwise, I can’t say that I have fears about the internship.

Q. Prospects for the future?

A. I have in mind the bachelor’s degree for next year in Cluj, but I would like to continue with a job and a master’s degree in Baia Mare.

Q. How would you describe your experience at Programming Pool? What would be the main similarities and differences with the study within the faculty?

A. Very fine, I would repeat it anytime. I have worked on similar projects during college, but not at the same level (especially regarding attention to detail). I was also able to focus exclusively on one project, and I certainly had more guidance.

Q. Have you ticked everything on the list of things you wanted to learn during this internship?

A. Yes, I received answers to any questions or concerns I previously had.

Q. Which personal qualities helped you learn programming and successfully finish this practice?

A. Perseverance and dedication. I like to complete any project I start and find solutions/answers to any problem I encounter along the way, even if it means a little more work.

Q. What skills have you developed with us (either technical or soft skills)? How will they help you next?

A. During my internship at PPR, I have improved my programming skills and acquired other soft skills that will prove helpful, especially in my last year of college.

Q. Reflecting on the time spent with us, you remember especially about.

A. I will fondly remember the welcoming people I met; you are a lovely team! ❤️

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