The Project v.1 Internship for Students

The Project v.1

As a team, we are passionate about our work and believe in the power of knowledge. Because of that, we wanted to share our passion and challenge technology with others.

This is how Project v. 1 was born!


We wanted to connect with people with similar interests and, together, aim to be better professionals. We also wanted to share our mindset and allow them to work on an actual project and have hands-on experience.

Project v.1 started with a Workshop on the 2nd of April 2019 until the 30th of May. The workshop was held at the Programming Pool Hub, str. Transilvaniei 18A.

We worked with small groups of interested individuals. That way, we could focus on every one of the participants. We could better explain every aspect of our jobs and offer them insights into our actions.

The Workshop participants had the chance to learn and practice with our in-house professionals 3 of the most in-demand skills in Software Development:

Business Analysis

From Idea to Product Support, I emphasize the most critical phases: Elicitation- Strategy Analysis Requirements and Analysis Design Supporting activities.

Development (𝗖# & 𝗦𝗤𝗟)

They learned about the software development life cycle, from defining use cases based on provided specifications. The result was to implement a proof of concept following clean architecture principles. The main focus was on C# and Microsoft-specific technologies.


The participants worked on the products delivered by the developers. They followed the Full Testing Cycle to ensure that no bugs were found and that the product was clean and ready to be used.

Each of the three learning streams had 10 participants, chosen based on the Event Registration Questionaire.

The Workshop took place over eight weeks, during which the participants were given constant feedback on their work.

The main focus of the Workshop was practice. The participants applied the learning on a joint project for each knowledge area. At the end of those eight weeks, they had a Final Exam.

The top 3 from each learning stream will be given a chance to work on The Project as part of our Programming Pool Team. The Project offers the opportunity to be part of the Software Development Cycle for two months. It spans from the 1st of July 2019 to the 1st of September 2019, with continuous feedback from our team and a hiring possibility based on performance.

We also learned alongside the participants from doing this workshop, and we can’t wait to meet them again for the second phase of The Project v.1 See you on the 1st of July!

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