Today is about Andrei Rus

Today is about Andrei Rus

Interview with the DEV in Programming Pool

Q. Tell us a few things about yourself. What does no one know about you?

A. I am always a happy and well-disposed person. I spend my free time on the micro-farm I manage.

Q. What do you enjoy most about your role? What do you like most about the company?

A. What I enjoy most are the challenges the project reveals to us and the fact that I can help my colleagues. About the company: it offers me the opportunity to grow professionally and personally continuously.

Q. What would your superpower be?

A. Mind reading. I’ve always been interested in what people think behind a smile.

Q. What/who inspires you?

A. I am most inspired by people accepting that each of us is different and must be accepted as we are.

Q. What’s something everyone should know about working at Programming Pool?

A. PPR is the place where you feel at home.

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