Today is about Denis

Today is about Denis

Interview with the DEV in PPR

Q: How did you join Programming Pool?

A: I joined Programming Pool through a colleague from college. I wanted to work as a software developer very much, and I found out that a colleague of mine works here. I asked him if the company needed recruits, and he said yes. And that’s how I ended up here.

Q: Tell us something you like most about your team!

A: At my team, I like the spirit of helping each other and solving problems together. I like the feeling when we solve a problem. I also like how friendly everyone is.

Q: What’s the most challenging thing about the project you are currently working on?

A: I consider everything challenging because I am more likely to give my best at everything I need to do 🙂

Q: What was something you thought would be challenging until you tried it?

A: To familiarize me with organizational habits.

Q: What would you advise somebody who wants to be part of the Programming Pool team as a developer?

A: Please don’t waste a second, and send your resume to our HR department as soon as possible!

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