Walking Month 2017

Walking Month 2017

We all know that exercising or walking cannot harm you! And we know that volunteering makes us feel helpful and excellent about ourselves! Willing to combine the two things, at Programming Pool, a team of 4 people was formed, and without second thoughts, our colleagues enrolled for Walking Month.

Walking Month is a competition organized at Cluj by Betfair Romania Development and is at its third edition this year. It supports the activity of Beard Mobile, the first free community of taxi service in Cluj-Napoca, which gives access to free transport to those in need, offering them a way to take that vital trip to the hospital or school.

The organizing company supports the costs of the program entirely. Therefore 100% of the funds raised through registration will be donated to the non-profit association Beard Mobile. Through Walking Month, a team of 4 of our colleagues will try to walk as much as possible for those who can’t walk on their own. The aim is that, together as a team, to take as many steps as possible in one Month (11 September – 10 October).

We can say that they are immeasurable as well as the benefits of those enrolled in the competition. Not only do they improve their physical condition and regain  their energy, vitality, and appetite for life, but they follow the motto: “Helping yourself, you are helping others!”

To maintain all the volunteers involved throughout the competition, several set prizes are waiting for those with the most significant number of steps at the finishing line. We congratulate our colleagues for taking the initiative and volunteering and wish them the best of luck during the competition! Here’s to many happy steps! Stay close for more updates on this adventure!

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