What creativity really is and
how to boost yours
I always admire people with creative ideas. You know, those people who come up with that brilliant idea that no one would have thought of.
Like me, in the past, you’ve probably imagined that there are two types of people: creative and non-creative. People think this because they have doubts that they can be creative. In reality, everyone can be a creative person.
What is creativity? Many of us tend to associate creativity with art, with the expression of extraordinarily original ideas either through drawing, painting, or even music.
As a graphic designer, I saw many job announcements with the phrase, “Be part of a creative team!”. Let me tell you something; this creative team is much bigger than you think!
From my point of view, creativity can be present anywhere, in a line of code or even in a portion of French fries with eggs and cream. Creativity is the ability to mix existing ideas into new combinations to solve a problem with the resources that we have.
It depends on our personality and thinking, but anyone can be creative.
According to Harvard Business School professor Teresa Amabile, creativity consists of expertise, creative thinking, and motivation.
Let’s take them one at a time.
1. Expertise:
Technical, procedural, and intellectual knowledge. The broader the expertise, the larger the academic space a person has to explore and solve problems.
What can you do to increase your expertise? Try your best in the field that you’re currently working in or in the area you would like to work in.
For example, write as much as possible if you are a copywriter and want to improve. Even if your writing is not very successful, ask for feedback, improve, and repeat!
Find different contexts to improve your skills!
2. Creative thinking skills:
Those skills formed by each individual’s personality determine how flexible and imaginative someone’s problems can be approached.
Creative thinking is made up of our personality, but don’t imagine that it is that “talent” we are born with.
How can it be improved? Reading stimulates the brain, so read! It inspires and increases creative thinking. Engage in new activities, find new people and meet them, stay in nature, and travel! It encourages new ideas and gives you a fresh take on things. Relaxing your mind has more benefits than you may imagine. So do what you like to do!
3. Motivation
Expertise and creative thinking skills provide the resources to be creative, but motivation determines your actions.
This motivation can be of two types:
The one that comes from outside us. It occurs when we are motivated to engage in an activity to earn a reward or avoid a punishment. This type of motivation does not prevent people from being creative, but in many situations, it doesn’t even stimulate their creativity; there are that pressure and the feeling that they are being controlled.
The one that comes from within us. It is a person’s constant interest or deep love for specific challenges.
When do you think we are the most creative? When are we under pressure and control, or when do we do something we love? Bingo! We are most creative when we are intrinsically motivated. In other words, when the work itself is what motivates us.
One way to tap into your natural motivation is to strengthen those memories to succeed and accomplish your goals. We’re often happiest when we use our brains to solve, visualize, achieve, and measure our progress. By doing this, you can enhance and encourage your motivation and inspiration! One more thing, always set specific, measurable goals!
Now that you know the secret recipe for creativity, stop thinking you’re not. Just get to work!
There are still places available in the creative team. We’re hiring!