A homage to our loyal Knights

A homage to our loyal Knights




We all know that without great employees, a company cannot survive. Employees are the foundation of a company. We often forget to be grateful to all the people who inspire us daily. At Programming Pool, we are so lucky to be surrounded by amazing people. This article is about some of them! Let me introduce you to who PPR Knights are.

Among the knights, we can find developers, bug hunters, managers, but also verbal assassins. Each one has his own enemies, their own set of problems they must resolve with their specific abilities.

Developers finish their foes up-close, using the power of the source code. The code acts like dark magic and renders vulnerable enemies. They are skilled crafters and know how to combine frameworks to achieve their goals. Endurance and force are their main advantages – which they are using daily to become more powerful.

Bug hunters battle their foes at a distance or up-close, running tests while knocking their arrows, firing their guns, or readying their polearms. There is no bug to get out of their hands, whether they use manual or automated testing. Using the power of killed bugs, they develop demonic traits that create rejection and fear.

Managers stand directly in front of their enemies. Their primary purpose is to absorb damage and prevent others from being attacked. They are “meat shields”, putting themselves between the client and the group members.

Verbal assassins are the masters of the words, will use their powers to ensure that development is in line with business requirements. Without their help, all the other knights would be disoriented and unable to survive.

Because it would have been difficult to mention all the colleagues who inspire us, we decided to talk this time about those who have been part of the team for more than 10 years. These heroes are Calin, Andrei, Romeo, Marius, Alex, Lorant, and Vlad.

You are probably asking yourself: what determined them to remain with us for more than 10 years? See what they’ve said for yourself.

As you can see, we have brave knights with unique stories and excellent skills to share! When trust is in place, each team member becomes more robust. And when people trust one another, the group can achieve important goals, strengthening the team!

If you want to be part of our journey, say “Hello” at ralucaachim@programmingpool.com and let’s chat and get to know each other, or contact us on our Social Media.

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