Teamwork builds, success follows

The team is the beginning,and achieving goals is a success

Over time, I have been part of several teams, no matter what function I have and the positions I have occupied. And each of them was different because each member understood differently what a team means and how it should work. To a large extent, I realized what an effective team could do: achieve its goals.

The primary ingredient, however, is the constant focus on objectives, coupled with the mobilization of team members who know how to work together and take on their responsibilities. I think sometimes the relationships between team members go together with the consumption of the activities they are involved in at work; sometimes, there is a need to create opportunities for that team spirit to form and develop.

The teambuilding – another step to consolidate a team

Such an opportunity was also the recently organized teambuilding in Vișeu, Maramureş Country. Not all of our colleagues participated, but through the specifics of our activities, we have realized the need to develop further those elements that determine our team’s performance: group identity, social support, and sense of cohesion. This team building is another step…

Arigato for reading.

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