Burger Feast at the Office

Burger Day @PPR

After we celebrated our colleagues with beer and wine-tasting parties, it was time to test something else: the holiest of foods after pizza and chicken nuggets: The Burger

Because winter is approaching and cold weather is at our front door, we held the event at our HQ in Baia Mare. We ordered burgers from a local burger joint. Thanks to Supreme Burger for helping us with 100 burgers.

We set up the tables with 100 burgers, and we went with the whole diner experience: we prepared a customized menu along with customized art for every kind of burger.

      • Coders Delight
      • QAs Cheesy Delight
      • Skype Call Burger
      • PPR Burger
      • 404 Meat Not Found

It was a lot of fun. Burgers and fries everywhere. But that wasn’t all we had planned.

Enter The Burger Cake.

We also had a vast, delicious burger-looking cake for viewing and tasting pleasure. Many of our colleagues thought it was a mockup, but they were wrong.

Everyone had a great time; I thought the burger names were funny and the cake delicious.

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