Ode to the SysAdmin

Ode to the SysAdmin

You pull out your chair, turn on your pc and start working. The internet is going fine; all your emails are delivered, and it works perfectly when you want to print something. You turn off your pc and head home, pleased that everything went smoothly. You show up the next day, and everything’s fine again – don’t forget to thank your SysAdmin.

If you work in IT or any other business that requires multiple computers, you indeed had someone in your team that was or had the role of a SysAdmin.

  • They will help you with upkeeping and configuring your computer systems or servers;
  • Without exceeding a set budget, they will ensure the performance security, uptime, and resources of the computers they manage;
  • They will acquire, install, or upgrade computer components and software;
  • They will troubleshoot;
  • Train or supervise staff;
  • Ofer technical support for projects;
  • Provide routine automation and maintain security policies.

Not everything runs all the time smoothly. There are days when it seems that nothing goes according to plan. The Internet is slow; your side monitor isn’t working; you don’t receive updates, and that email won’t send.

With one simple trick, you can solve all those problems. Ask your SysAdmin.

They will solve all your problems regarding your pc so you can send that email, receive that vital call, print that document, and do your job.

  • When you can’t install that update but are on a tight schedule, he does it in 2 minutes. Thank your SysAdmin.
  • When the printer is jammed and shows error messages over error messages, and he fixes it in no time. Thank your SysAdmin.
  • When you can’t attach that important image to that critical email, and he has a quick fix, Thank your SysAdmin.

So next time when you arrive at your office, pull out your chair and start your pc and everything is going just fine.

Thank your SysAdmin.

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