Programming Pool is magical

Programming Pool is magical

discover the power of Programming Pool workshops


Good Vibes.

I will start with a bold affirmation which I will fortify with the help of this article. Of course, this is easy to say, but let me prove that this attribute is embedded in Programming Pool’s ADN. The best example to demonstrate this is my story. When I started my career, Programming Pool was the only company that gave me a chance to shine, they hired me after two interviews and trusted me from the beginning to work on their infrastructure. From day one, I could make an impact. I was forced to take what I knew and improve it even further to match the client’s needs and offer them highly available solutions. This is how I improved my skills daily and evolved in my career.

Last year we organised an internship for the fresh graduates. This was not a usual internship where students came in to do boring tasks, we wanted to make it interesting and fun, so the internship was based on a code challenge. The students needed to build a new product in a month. Of course we were there to advise and guide them along the way whenever they needed. At this event we discovered one of our best employees. So why is this place magical? Because it takes new undiscovered talents and forces them to evolve, to develop their skill set even further.

 Extraordinary people will join you in your trip.

Programming Pool – an outsourcing company

Being an outsourcing company, our resources need to be scalable and adaptable. When demand is high, we often pull people from one project to another, even if this involves switching, for example, from PHP to C#. Now, why is it this good for an employee? Because it helps them evolve and learn a new approach, they rethink their strategy for dealing with coding issues. Of course, this isn’t easy, but knowledge’s benefits are worth the effort. Because we are all compassionate people, and we know that not all of us are as lucky as we are, we do not forget those in need. From time to time, we pick a cause for which we donate money.

Like all modern IT companies, we have team-building events, but we take employee perks even further. We have excellent attention to employees’ birthdays. This is why we celebrate together by eating out each time. Every week we stay after work to have some drinks, debate the issues we had during the week and play board games. This is not all; shortly, we plan to host a hackathon at Programming Pool. Not convinced yet? Our door is always open, come and check this out for yourself.

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