A look inside the new office

A look inside
the new office

A beautiful home is like a rare, precious book: lovely to look at from the outside, full of warmth, and vibrant on the inside. But what gives it life and purpose are the people, the words that tell the story. And that is perfectly true for our new office, too, as we strive to make everyone feel welcome and at home, to unleash their creativity and brightness of mindfully. Intelligence is, in fact, one key component of this new office.

Bright colors on the exterior walls, huge windows to allow as much natural light as possible, and luxurious tones of orange, purple, gold, and even burgundy inside. And, of course, lots of open spaces of rather unconventional shapes – with strategically placed curves to create rooms in which you’d never end up feeling cornered – literally!

The new office – new home

Unconventional practicality is probably the best term for an overall description of this new office, as it extends to everything, from the heating system to the layout of the virtual offices – as far a cry from the stifling “cubicles” of corporate offices as you can imagine. Because people come here to work at what they’re passionate about, not toil away hour after hour, waiting for the day to pass in a blur of exhaustion. Entirely on the contrary, we understand that the people on our team are the most valuable asset of our company. And do our best to ensure their well-being, which entails allowing and encouraging them to relax, socialize, get to know each other better, and creatively exchange ideas.

This is why a whole floor is dedicated to such activities. A coffee bar, a billiards table, a Ping-Pong table, two card tables, and an assortment of soft-colored and soft-cushioned armchairs and sofas await those wishing to take a break from work. Clear their minds, or take the time to reconsider an unsolvable problem in a new light or angle. Which is often more than enough to make the solution instantly pop to mind?

Because programming is a creative job that requires thinking outside the box, what better way to do that than by avoiding getting into a box in the first place? And those who have already been working in this new office for more than two months can now confirm. Everything here is a breath of fresh air, an escape from the stifling formality of conventional offices—the spiral staircase – is slightly reminiscent of a medieval castle. The alternating colors on the walls, the inspirational quotes written here and there, the high ceilings, and the expansive windows. The colorful and peaceful atmosphere of the whole place makes the people who work here feel welcome. They are at ease and willing to put their best efforts into creating the most value for our customers.

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