Microsoft technologies training at Programming Pool

Microsoft technologies training at Programming Pool

Programming Pool has always been dedicated to form devoted and growing employees. Over the years we have learned that having a happy and skilled staff is a win-win both for business growth and for personal development. In fact, one of the most important factors for employee motivation and retention is providing people the opportunity to grow and develop new skills. This is especially true for the IT industry which is a very dynamic and vibrant field. Here at Programming Pool, we believe in continuous training and evolution. This is why at the beginning of March we decided to organize a technical training for our developers. We opted for a Microsoft technologies training provided by Avaelgo.

We did so mainly for two reasons. Involving an external trainer helped our employees get exposed to new information and have access to immediate feedback without having to travel to an external training center. That was the first reason.

The second was related to the fact that Avaelgo is an IT services company that is familiar with our culture and needs and with whom PPR has developed a relationship over time. And we all know how good it is to meet again an old friend.

Microsoft technologies training

Microsoft technologies training took place at our office on 15 and 16 of March. The first day was dedicated to ASP.NET in general and included sessions on hosting web apps in IIS and performance and scalability optimizations.

On the second day we focused on ASP.NET Controls and features like data controls, user controls, membership and authorization with ASP.NET classic. The training was presented in a language and terminology that participants understood and were able to relate to. During the two days our junior developers got the chance to learn new practical information while our senior programmers were able to consolidate their own knowledge of the topic.

The poll that we organized subsequently showed that the vast majority was happy with the training and eager to apply the knowledge aquired. Some of the participants made useful suggestions and recommendations we will most certainly take into consideration when organizing the next training.

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