Today is about Mircea

Today is about Mircea

Interview with the PM in Programming Pool

Q. Please introduce yourself, and tell us about your background!

A. “Every soldier carries a marshal’s baton in his knapsack.” 

I have been working in IT for over 23 years, PPR being the second company I work for, and Napoleon Bonaparte’s words guided me at the beginning of my career; I gained experience going through every position in the company in which I worked for about 20 years, sometimes accumulating even more parts, I was a tester and technical support, I was a business analyst, sales representative and project manager. I have been a teacher and evaluator of over 100 people over time. I believe that all this has made me the leader I am today.

Q. What do you like most about your role as a Project Manager?

A. “The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

I like to interact with people, learn from them, share what I have learned, and help them understand; this is what I want most about the Project Manager position. And to return to the first question, I can tell you that we cannot take the marshal’s baton out of the wound unless the people around us give it to us if we deserve it.

Q. What’s the biggest challenge for someone in your role?

A. Understand that developers are a “rare species” and that they fall into the same category as painters or poets and that in the creative process, they may not always be at the same level, that today they can create at 50% and tomorrow they can create at 150%.

Q. If you were to have any superhero powers, what would they be?

A. To travel in time. One of my hobbies is History; I would like to feel and live it.

Q. What advice would you give someone wanting to join Programming Pool?

A. For those at the beginning of their career, I can tell them that it is a place where they can grow up healthy, in a friendly atmosphere, 

For those who have had jobs before and find it challenging to give up or do not know what to expect, I can tell them, like me, I had emotions in leaving a job in which I had many achievements and in which I went dear people. Still, I do not regret the decision because I found beautiful people and exciting projects.

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