Mentoring @Programming Pool
Ziua Stafetei is an event campaign designed to promote the right of all children and young people to participate in society. They focus on a modern educational model, establishing a space where young children can explore their vocation and facilitating social inclusion.
The children choose a profession they would want to have, they pair up with a mentor, and the mentor teaches them everything they can about their respective jobs.
Between 18 and 22 November, children and young people will experience the job they want, and a mentor will guide them and teach them about all the aspects of that job.
Last week Alexandru, in sixth grade, got the chance to experience life as a programmer for a couple of hours. And Cipri, our colleague, got the role of mentor.
First step: the interview for a software developer position
After we showed him our working space, Alexandru talked with our HR, Raluca. Experiencing his first interview in a software company, they talked about the entire recruiting process and Alexandru’s school, grades, and favorite topics.
After the interview was over and Alexandru got the job, he became part of the crew. Cipri offered some quick lessons about how everything works in a software company and what programs we use to do our jobs.
Ovidiu talked about servers and how important they are and explained how security is a big topic in every it company.
Talking about security, it was Cipri’s turn to give a quick lesson about how important security is, at home, and the office. We screened a security tutorial and talked about what steps we can take to protect our computers and phones at home and in the workplace.
As a parting gift, we offered Alexandru a brand new keyboard and mouse, which he will surely use to write his first piece of code.
We hope he left us with some information about what he wants to do in the future, and we can’t wait to see him in one of our future courses!