Today is about Andrei Nagy
Interview with the PM in PPR
Q: Please introduce yourself, and tell us about your background!
A: I studied IT in high school and university; I worked on several projects while at university, and in my last year, I received a job offer from Programming-Pool. I started as a junior developer, and then, step by step, I progressed to a project manager position.
Q: What do you like most about your role as a Project Manager?
A: Our goal as a team is to offer high-quality services. When the client confirms that he is happy with what we delivered, I enjoy sharing the feedback with the team. And we do have a lot of such moments.
Q: What’s the biggest challenge for someone in your role?
A: Offering flexibility by allocating resources between development and support tasks is always challenging.
It combines data like priorities, deadlines, availability, technical skills, and project knowledge. In the end, everybody must be happy: the customer and the team.
Q: If you were to have any superhero powers, what would they be?
A: I’m not sure if there is a superhero with such power, but I would like to be able to complete and mark all the tasks on my to-do list. I have to-do lists on sticky notes, excel, notepad++, emails, and notes on my mobile phone.
Q: What advice would you give someone wanting to join Programming Pool?
A: Give it a try to see if you can find your place in one of our teams!